Organic Yellow Split Peas (لپه ارگانیک) 1lb

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Organic Yellow Split Peas are dried, split (from whole) vegetables. Like pasta, split peas can be cooked in a pot of boiling, salted water. Yellow split peas cook for approximately 30-45 minutes, or until tender. Hearty yellow split peas are mildly sweet in flavor, while tender in texture. Yellow split peas can be used in soups, stews, salads, and side dishes; they also mash or blend easily to add texture, thickness, and depth to recipes.

-          Product of Canada
-          Certified organic
-          Certified kosher
-          Certified gluten-free and wheat-free
-          Certified vegan
-          Excellent source of protein, iron, and complex carbohydrates



Organic yellow peas.




Valeur Nutritive
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size ( 100 ) g
Par ( 100 ) g
Teneur % Valeur Quotidienne
Amount % Daily Value
Calories / Calories 370
Lipides / Fat 0 g 0 %
   Saturés / Saturated 0 g
    +Trans / Trans 0 g
0 %
Cholesterol / Cholesterol 0 mg  
Sodium / Sodium 0 mg 0 %
Glucides / Carbohydrate 67 g 22 %
   Fibres / Fibre 0 g 0 %
    +Sucres / Sugars 3 g
Protéines / Protein 27 g
Vitamine A / Vitamin A 2 %
Vitamine C / Vitamin C 0 %
Calcium / Calcium 0 %
Fer / Iron 20 %