A unique Italian tonic: a blend of extracts and juices of 14 carefully selected naturally grown plants and fruits such as organic apple juice, organic chokeberry, organic yellow gentian, organic quinine, organic acerola, organic cardamom, organic ginger, organic cola nut, organic guarana, organic lemon juice, organic bitter orange, and other natural flavors and ingredients.
It has 3 in 1 organic formula: Stimulant as a herbal Digestif, Energizing as an Italian Espresso, Refreshing as a natural Tonic.
PilotsFriend has specially been developed for professions and activities that require a high degree of alertness and stimulation, in a natural way.
Who has liked the PilotsFreind the most so far? Well, those who respect their body, value nurturing from nature, and those tired of taking unhealthy synthetically manufactured energy drinks, simply due to the lack of a better alternative. Friends of Pilotsfriend fall in love with Tonic Bitter at their first tasting, among those are Pilots, Doctors, Nurses, Architects, Cinematographers, Mixologists, Engineers, Teachers, Writers, Accountants, Students, Athletes, Drivers, Night Shifts, Vegans, Health lifers, ...